Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alert Alert!

Sunset in Playa Del Rey
We made it! All the way to Los Angeles California! With a great visit to southern California underway we have had a bonfire on the beach as the planes of LAX flew overhead, walked to the Santa Monica Boardwalk, and visited with our good friends. What a relaxing and pleasant visit we have had. We went on much needed errands, watched surfers and pelicans, and ate wonderfully! Thanks so much to our friends Valen and Joe and some new friends too for making our stay so enjoyable. We're having such a good time we don't want to leave, but we are saying goodbye tomorrow and our friends are moving all the way back across the country to the Northeast again. Thanks to Joe for some pictures, and also his wonderful photography advice and expertise! Our journey from rigt coast to left coast feels as if it has just begun, and we're headed off to an un determined national park next.
Walking in the sunset
The beach in Santa Monica
Joe, Valen, Emma, and Patrick


  1. I love the photos! The sunset one of you two is beautiful! It's so nice to see who Valen is finally...and Joe looks so great too! The beaches must feel so good right now. It's 28 degrees here at home. Do I need to worry about grizzlys for the next few days?! Loving the blog, the views and especially all of the heart sharing you are doing...I love you both very much!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful, love reading about your trip!!! GMa
