Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Humor and Misadventure

Pat doing a mean door repair San Francicsco Streetside!

So all of this travel has certainly been met with a few challenges in the way of car repair or trailer repair. We can just be honest and say that it happens, and sometimes it aint pretty. The camper door flying open as we cruised the suburbs of San Francisco looking for parking was not the ideal time for a door failure but hey. It's a 1978 trailer, made of fiberglass and held together with rivits and hope, so something is going to have to pop out at some point.
There appears to be a strange creature on the top of the Scamp...The Ocean calls in the distance but our fearless repairman has consented to using the sunny day to skylight repair.
We recently watched the movie 180 Degress South when we were visiting in LA about a month ago and the famous climber and adventurer Yvon Chouinard is quoted in the movie "It's not really an adventure until something goes wrong" and we try to remember this saying when things do go "wrong" usually nothing has really gone wrong but when it feels as though all plans have been dashed something really cool is waiting on the other side. Cliche as it might sound, what a lesson it has been in rolling with the punches and remembering that it really will be all right in the end, and thanks to these mishaps we've met lovely people and had quite a few laughs, and that is always worth it.
Till next time,

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